San Ramon
2025 Single Family & Townhome Residential Rate Information
Rate Period January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025.
Click here for PDF of the 2025 rates. Valid 1/1/2025-12/31/2025
The following rates apply to single-family homes, condominiums, and townhomes with individual cart service for garbage, recyclables, and compostables. Residents may recycle compostable organic materials such as food scraps, soiled paper products, plants, yard trimmings, and clean wood in their compost carts. Curbside customers are billed quarterly. Curbside rates are based upon the size of garbage cart requested. Recycling and Organics collection services are included and residents can have up to two Recycling carts and up to two Organics carts at no additional charge.
Basic Cart Service
Service (Rate includes Garbage, 64-gal Recyclable Materials and and a 64-gal Organics Materials Collection Services).
Size of Solid Waste Container | Service Frequency | Quarterly Rate |
20-gal Cart Curbside Service | 1 pick-up/week | $127.93 |
35-gal Cart Curbside Service | 1 pick-up/week | $156.34 |
64-gal Cart Curbside Service | 1 pick-up/week | $257.43 |
96-gal Cart Curbside Service | 1 pick-up/week | $410.01 |
20-gal Cart Backyard Service - Disabled | 1 pick-up/week | $127.93 |
35-gal Cart Backyard Service - Disabled | 1 pick-up/week | $156.34 |
64-gal Cart Backyard Service - Disabled | 1 pick-up/week | $257.43 |
96-gal Cart Backyard Service - Disabled | 1 pick-up/week | $410.01 |
20-gal Cart Backyard Service | 1 pick-up/week | $290.38 |
35-gal Cart Backyard Service | 1 pick-up/week | $318.79 |
64-gal Cart Backyard Service | 1 pick-up/week | $419.88 |
96-gal Cart Backyard Service | 1 pick-up/week | $572.46 |
Additional Weekly Service Option - No Additional Fee | ||
Upgrade to 96-gal Recycle Cart | 1 pick-up/week | $0.00 |
Additional 64-gal Recycling Cart (Max - 2 Carts Total) | 1 pick-up/week | $0.00 |
Additional 64-gal Organic Materials Cart | 1 pick-up/week | $0.00 |
Additional Weekly Service Options - Additional Fee Applies | ||
35-gal Recycling Cart (After 2 Free) | 1 pick-up/week | $43.96 |
64-gal Recycling Cart (After 2 Free) | 1 pick-up/week | $77.96 |
96-gal Recycling Cart (After 2 Free) | 1 pick-up/week | $124.60 |
20-gal Organics Cart (After 2 Free) | 1 pick-up/week | $34.46 |
35-gal Organics Cart (After 2 Free) | 1 pick-up/week | $43.96 |
64-gal Organics Cart (After 2 Free) | 1 pick-up/week | $77.96 |
96-gal Organics Cart (After 2 Free) | 1 pick-up/week | $124.60 |
Miscellaneous Services (Per Occurrence)
Type of Service | Receptacle | Rate |
Extra Services | Flocked Christmas Tree | $43.29 |
Yard Waste Bags | $12.00 | |
Garbage Bag Tags | $12.00 | |
Additional Bulky Pick-up (Outside the Neighborhood Clean-up Days) | 3 cubic yards or 21-32 gallon bags | $325.04 |
Return Trip | Not Applicable | $108.34 |
Bulky Pick-up Each Cubic Yard Over 3 | Not Applicable | $86.64 |
Additional Cart Replacement -Single Family customers are eligible for one (1) free cart replacement and one (1) free cart size exchange per any 12 month period for any reason. A fee is applied to additional requests in the same 12 month period. | Not Applicable | $108.34 |
Additional Services – Extra Garbage Cart Services – Performed on Regular Service Day
Size of Container | Frequency | Rate |
35GAL | Per-Occurrence | $46.01 |
64GAL | Per-Occurrence | $56.49 |
96GAL | Per-Occurrence | $79.42 |
Additional Services – Extra Garbage Cart Services – Performed on Day other than Service Day
Size of Container | Frequency | Rate |
35GAL | Per-Occurrence | $65.66 |
64GAL | Per-Occurrence | $113.27 |
96GAL | Per-Occurrence | $180.40 |
Additional Services – Extra Recycling & Organics Cart Services – Performed on Regular Service Day
Size of Container | Frequency | Rate |
35GAL | Per-Occurrence | $12.42 |
64GAL | Per-Occurrence | $16.71 |
96GAL | Per-Occurrence | $23.07 |
Additional Services – Extra Recycling & Organics Cart Services – Performed on Day other than Service Day
Size of Container | Frequency | Rate |
35GAL | Per-Occurrence | $17.99 |
64GAL | Per-Occurrence | $33.42 |
96GAL | Per-Occurrence | $53.42 |
Contaminated Recycling Carts – Performed on Day other than Service Day
Size of Container | Frequency | Rate |
35GAL | Per-Occurrence | $13.55 |
64GAL | Per-Occurrence | $18.86 |
96GAL | Per-Occurrence | $24.19 |
Contaminated Recycling Carts –Â Performed on Day other than Service Day
Size of Container | Frequency | Rate |
35GAL | Per-Occurrence | $16.94 |
64GAL | Per-Occurrence | $23.58 |
96GAL | Per-Occurrence | $30.24 |
Contaminated Organics Carts – Performed on Day other than Service Day
Size of Container | Frequency | Rate |
35GAL | Per-Occurrence | $27.09 |
64GAL | Per-Occurrence | $37.72 |
96GAL | Per-Occurrence | $48.38 |
Contaminated Organics Carts –Â Performed on Day other than Service Day
Size of Container | Frequency | Rate |
35GAL | Per-Occurrence | $33.86 |
64GAL | Per-Occurrence | $47.15 |
96GAL | Per-Occurrence | $60.48 |
Bulky Items – On Call Special Collection (Per Item)
Type of Service | Rate Information | Rate |
Air Conditioner - wall unit | each | $265.44 |
Cast Iron Bathtub | each | $123.97 |
Certified Refrigerator/Air Conditioner | each | $265.44 |
Chair | each | $108.78 |
Couch 6 ft. | each | $123.97 |
Couch 9 ft. | each | $123.97 |
Dishwasher | each | $123.97 |
Dryer | each | $123.97 |
Hide-a-Bed | each | $123.97 |
Mattress - Full | each | $156.65 |
Mattress - King | each | $156.65 |
Mattress - Queen | each | $156.65 |
Mattress - Twin | each | $156.65 |
Metal Bathtub | each | $123.97 |
Microwave | each | $108.78 |
Misc Furniture Item | each | $108.78 |
Misc Large Item | each | $156.65 |
Refrigerator | each | $265.44 |
Stove | each | $123.97 |
Television - bigger than 25" console | each | $217.57 |
Television - less than or 25" console or Computer monitor | each | $156.65 |
Tires (cars & pick up) | each | $54.36 |
Tires (truck) | each | $97.91 |
Toilet | each | $108.78 |
Washer | each | $123.97 |
Water heater - 30 gal | each | $123.97 |
Water heater - 40 gal | each | $123.97 |
Water heater - 50 gal | each | $123.97 |